Departure time: 2000:00Destination: Provo Utah
Day 1: Rexburg. Provo.
Left the spuds and heading for the jello belt. Beginning to wonder if taking a road trip with four boys was a good idea. After an hour devoted purely to female artists, the trip seemed to be going well after all. 10:23 stop for my first meal at in and out. The guys excitement to eat in and out was equivalent to a 11 year old girl finding out her crush is crushing her back (not exaggerating). They demanded that because it was my first time at in and out that I wear an in and out hat, and have my first bite documented. After hearing about this experience for about two months I had high expectations. At first it was not all that I was hoping however after it soaked in I can now declare In and out an amazing experience.
Day 2: Somewhere in Utah. Salt Lake.
Attended a baptism in Utah, no green jello, however still very enjoyable. The baptism was for my friend Demarie's cousin, we also helped with the birthday party after. We curled and braided hair for 20 adorable girls dressed in princess costumes. That evening Joelle and myself enjoyed a nice evening in temple square. The Salt Lake Temple was even more gorgeous than I had remember and made me so grateful for the sacrifices of the early saints. It was fun to see all of the non-members that were learning about the gospel and the missionaries in action. It made me really want to go on a mission someday and share what is most important to me with other people.
Day 3:Layton.
Brandon's farewell. I have never seen so many people attending church on a regular Sunday before! Almost the entire gym was filled with people along with the chapel. Brandon did a great job speaking and it was nice to see him after two years before he left for another two! It was also a great Chicago reunion, Joelle, Demarie,Karlie, Haruka, and Dakyn were all there. Brandon is going to Nicaragua to serve the Lord for two years, I am so proud of him :)