Objective: World's tallest snowman.
Day 1: Spori Quad.
In Chicago the average date for the first big snowfall is December 2, so you can imagine my....excitement, when the first snow came on November 8 in Rexburg. Because many of my close friends are from California naturally they have never built a snowman before. So armed with very poor snow gear we trekked through the blizzard conditions and foot of snow to the Spori quad. From their we began our goal to build the world's tallest snowman. Although the task, and the stream of complaints about cold fingers were great; we carried on. After about an hour of work, and a strenuous quest for an arm we completed our masterpiece: GIGANTOR!(the snowman on the right was someone's ugly snowman, we built our next to it to make ours seem bigger.) Tragically before the world record keepers could come measure GIGANTOR, we was tragically destroyed. Our suspicions remain that either Al-queda saw him as a threat or the people of Bethel, Maine (who made the worlds tallest snowman originally) had something to do with it. The world's tallest snowman was 113' 7" tall, and didn't melt for nine years. I think GIGANTOR had a good shot on him (plus between us I think GIGANTOR was much better looking, I mean the other guy had full grown pine trees as arms for pete's sake!)
Objective: World's tallest snowman.
Day 1: Spori Quad.
In Chicago the average date for the first big snowfall is December 2, so you can imagine my....excitement, when the first snow came on November 8 in Rexburg. Because many of my close friends are from California naturally they have never built a snowman before. So armed with very poor snow gear we trekked through the blizzard conditions and foot of snow to the Spori quad. From their we began our goal to build the world's tallest snowman. Although the task, and the stream of complaints about cold fingers were great; we carried on. After about an hour of work, and a strenuous quest for an arm we completed our masterpiece: GIGANTOR!(the snowman on the right was someone's ugly snowman, we built our next to it to make ours seem bigger.) Tragically before the world record keepers could come measure GIGANTOR, we was tragically destroyed. Our suspicions remain that either Al-queda saw him as a threat or the people of Bethel, Maine (who made the worlds tallest snowman originally) had something to do with it. The world's tallest snowman was 113' 7" tall, and didn't melt for nine years. I think GIGANTOR had a good shot on him (plus between us I think GIGANTOR was much better looking, I mean the other guy had full grown pine trees as arms for pete's sake!)
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